A bit about me: 

I’m an Interaction Designer, fueled by creativity with an enthusiastic drive for problem-solving and I thrive in exploring the intersection of design, research, psychology, and technology. I enjoy taking a “big picture” approach to challenges, zooming in on the details, and analyzing and focusing on the right patterns to deliver optimal design results.

I believe good user experience (UX) is the first concern when making design decisions. By harnessing my analytical research skills and pairing them with my intuitive visual design skills, I strive to create effective, practical solutions that yield meaningful experiences for people. These experiences should not only help people achieve their goals, but resonate with their values as human beings.

I’m currently completing my MSc. in Interaction Design via a joint program between Tallinn University (School of Digital Technologies) and Cyprus University of Technology. My former research background explored the following topics: crime-prevention, security technologies, law, social ecology, psychology and human behavior, public health, and policy analysis.

I’ve always been focused on working to improve the world we live to make things better for humans to navigate through. I believe the best results, especially in UX, aren’t born from just sitting behind a computer screen in solitude. It’s essential to put yourself out there and have a genuine curiosity about people!

Skills & Tools: Sketch, Principle, InVision Studio, SPSS | Quantitative research, Qualitative research, User Interface (UI) Design, Wireframing, Prototyping, Interviewing

Some of my favorite reads include: 

The New ABC's of Research, by Ben Shneiderman

A Web for Everyone, by Sarah Horton and Whitney Quesenbery

Designing with the Mind in Mind, by Jeff Johnson

The Design of Everyday Things, by Don Norman

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Usby Daniel H. Pink

The Culture Code: An Ingenious Way to Understand Why People Around the World Buy and Live as They Do, by Clotaire Rapaille

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, by Robert Cialdini

The Interpretation of Cultures, by Clifford Geertz




A bit about me: 

I'm fueled by creativity, with an enthusiastic drive for problem-solving and I thrive in exploring the intersection of design, research, psychology, and technology.

Since making the shift from academic research to UX, I’ve been able to harness my analytical skills and pair them with my intuitive visual design skills to create effective, practical solutions that yield meaningful experiences for people.

I fell in love with UX as I wanted my research efforts to have a more direct, observable impact on people beyond just the world of academic publications. 

I thrive in taking a “big picture” approach to problem-solving, zooming-in on the details, and analyzing and focusing on the right patterns to deliver optimal visual results.

My background is in Human/Social Ecological multidisciplinary research which focuses both on quantitative and qualitative methods. Like UX, this field of research has a strong emphasis on collaboration and empathy in solving large-scale issues that affect a wide population.

My past life as a law and policy researcher helps inform this process as it's also about conquering complexity and making sense of interactions between multiple variables in changing contexts. 

I’ve always been focused on working to improve the world we live in and make things better for humans to navigate through. I believe the best research results, especially in UX, aren’t born from just sitting behind a computer screen in solitude. It's essential to put yourself out there and have a genuine curiosity about people!

Some of my favorite reads include: 

The New ABC's of Research, by Ben Shneiderman

Designing with the Mind in Mind, by Jeff Johnson

The Design of Everyday Things, by Don Norman

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Usby Daniel H. Pink

The Culture Code: An Ingenious Way to Understand Why People Around the World Buy and Live as They Do, by Clotaire Rapaille

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, by Robert Cialdini

The Interpretation of Cultures, by Clifford Geertz